You Need Sex

Maybe there’s nothing wrong with you. Maybe you just need some sex.

A few days ago I was out walking and feeling a little bleh. There was no specific reason for my mood - it was just there, tagging along and looking for reasons to exist.

As soon as I noticed it, I stopped and tuned in. Almost instantly I became aware of an electric sensation running through my body just beneath the surface of my skin.

I was turned on!

One of the most practical lessons I’ve learned in the mindful er0t¡c is that sometimes a sad, anxious, agitated, or weepy mood is simply a build up of er0t¡c energy that needs to move.

There’s little to be gained by the digging in and emotional processing useful at other times. In fact, they just intensify the mental spin.

What’s actually needed is a good deep f***.

Hey, we live in animal bodies. Arousal & release is part of nature’s skillful means for nervous system regulation. When we’re not allowing that energetic outflow we become pent up, agitated, anxious messes.

Before I studied the mindful er0t¡c, I had so much shame & confusion around my sexualityt that it was impossible for me to identify what was going on in my body, let alone discern what I needed at these times.

I did not think of myself as an er0t¡c being. I thought I was just moody. Frankly, I would have found this post offensive.

Here are three questions I now ask to assess what’s really going on inside (you can use them too):

1. Has nothing in particular happened to cause my mood (or is my reaction way outdoing the thing I’m reacting to)?

2. When I tune in, do I feel waves of electric or pulsing sensation in my body, especially in my gen’t@ls?

3. If I think about good sex, do those sensations grow or spread?

No one else can make this assessment for you. Er0t!c awareness is yours to develop, so you can know and respond to your own body and inner world with exquisite understanding.

Of course, there are other ways to move energy. I also love lifting heavy, hot baths, and deep massages. But since I’m not longer biased against or afraid of sex, I can freely say “let’s do it” and enjoy the pleasure of all that energy in motion.


sensation speaks


Desire isn’t about getting