you are erotic
“Maybe I’m just not that er0tic.”
I can’t tell you how many women have come to me speaking these words. Some are young and unmoved by what they’ve tasted of six so far. Others are aging and feel a diminishment of drive where they once felt an intensity. They all believe something is wrong with them.
But what if nothing is wrong?
What if, in fact, there’s a whole world of er0tic that's never been tapped into?
When I sit with these women and invite them to tune into their bodies they all feel a depth and nuance of sensation. Sometimes it’s the most subtle and exquisite hum in their lips. Other times it’s a thick heavy numbness in their pelvis. Yes, even numbness is a sensation.
The longer we sit and inquire, the more sensation is revealed - an infinite fractal unfolding. If you’re a meditator you know this experience from attending to the sensation of your breath or belly. In your next sit, try putting your attention on your genitles and see what you discover.
It usually turns out that it’s not that you don’t feel enough. It’s that you feel so much, but have never been met in the depth and subtlety of your feeling. In a culture that preferences big and loud, overt and undeniable, this intricate world of er0tic aliveness has been run right over.
So what if you stopped discounting what is inside of you? What if you stopped squashing it with speed, pressure, doubt and shame, and instead gave it the refined attention it needs to come fully alive? You’d likely find you’re more er0tic than you ever imagined.