Desire is one of the most potent forces in human experience. More than just a sexual urge, the energy of desire sparks inspiration, nourishes vitality, and fuels creativity. It’s life’s call into aliveness and connection. When we disconnect from desire, it’s common to feel listless, uncertain and lost. But the experience of desire can also stir confusion, touch shame, and activate clinging. There’s a reason we fear it. So how do we engage with desire skillfully? What does it look like to turn towards desire, become curious about its nature, and integrate its intelligence and aliveness?
When we include desire in our practice, and apply our mindfulness, we discover it is the foundation of healthy boundaries and intuitive knowing. We access its energy. We deepen our intimacy. And we may even find it to contain the seeds of our awakening – acting as an agent that shakes up our narrow sense of self, our ideas of who we “should be”, and revealing something more authentic and whole.
In this highly interactive and practical class, explore how to skillfully come into relationship with desire in all its manifestations.
Through conversation, meditation, inquiry practices and optional paired exercises, develop your capacity to:
Become aware of what you desire, tuning into the subtle whispers and sensations of your body and engaging them as a guide
Be with the experience of longing, without collapse or reactivity
Develop understanding of (and practices for) the fear and shame that keep you from working consciously with desire
Express desire skillfully, discovering its connection to healthy boundaries
Discern between the intelligence of desire and the suffering of greed and clinging
Cultivate the energy of desire to bring more vitality into your life and mindfulness practice
Dates: Tuesdays: April 4, 11, 18 & 25th from 7:30pm - 9pmPT.
Suggested Donation: US$120
Register here: https://insightla.org/event/open-to-desire-april-2023/2023-04-04-19-30/
This class is welcoming to and inclusive of adults single and in relationship, of all genders and sexual orientations. Due to the connected and confidential nature of conversation in this class, all students are asked to introduce themselves with their camera on.