LIVE intimately
Expand your capacity to stay conscious with a full range of sensation, becoming a willing channel for both subtle and intense experience to move through. Innately understand the workings of tumescence and energy flow, and how to convert one into the other. Cultivate visceral embodiment so your words and being have resonant transmission others can feel.
See beneath the surface to the underlying conditions and motivations driving action - yours and others. Develop the full approval needed to draw out the truth that would otherwise hide in the shadows. Use your sight to love and cultivate connection with others - whether stranger, friend or lover. - noticing and acknowledging what few others would.
Use every experience you encounter as fuel for your awakening, leaving nothing behind. Develop confidence in terrains familiar and unfamiliar, light and dark, conventional and uncommon, becoming at ease with uncertainty, ambiguity and groundlessness. Learn to transform pain and difficulty - yours and others - into resilience and power for action.